The children had a great time hosting their party during golden time. They ate pizza and played party games.

The children were busy on Friday making healthy pizzas for themselves and their buddies. The children talked about all the healthy toppings and where they came from.

We have created an invitation to the year 6 buddies for Max’s birthday on Friday. We also wrote an invite to the queen! The buddies were kind enough to write us a reply which have been sent home with the children so they can read with their grown ups.

The reception children have been putting numbers in order in our messy maths area. Can you practise writing your numbers in the right order?

The children have been very busy this week , learning about Diwali (the Hindu Festival of Lights). As part of our celebration topic we are learning about how do Hindus celebrate Diwali. We have read the story of Rama and Sita and are currently creating diva lamps with salt dough. On Friday we will be making coconut sweets which is a tradition during Diwali. We can’t wait!

Reception have been making our own poppies in respect to remembrance Sunday.

Last week the children made clay pumpkin pots, the pots are being displayed outside Miss Prior’s office. The children did very well mixing red and yellow paint together to make orange as well as using their fine motor skills to mould a pot from clay.
Welcome to Year 1at Woodfield Primary